Sunday 20 October 2013

11 secondclub test

last few weeks ive been practicing 3d animation using the sound track from the 11second club. Heres what ive got so far. I've interpreted it as the girl is taking part in a "most mutant pet competition" and she gets points taken off for her pet exploding. Im going to use the andy rig and the eleven rig. haha

heres the animatic:

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Welcome to the CAPBlog,

Hey, Im Jack and this is computer arts practice time. I want to get better at animation, and so im going to be doing weekly updates of the development (starting next week) of a short and hopefully funny 3D animation piece as animation is a thing that i really want to take seriously for the next few years. It should be done by Christmas and ill probably be using the andy rig or eleven rig for thi. ECHO!!...echo...echo